пятница, 18 августа 2023 г.

71 Idioms with Meaning and Sentences for Daily Use



An idiom is a phrase with a non-literal or literal meaning. Here is a list of 71 daily use idioms with meaning and sentences.

1 – As easy as pie (very easy)

It is not a difficult problem. In fact, it’s as easy as pie.

2 – Be all ears (be eager to hear what someone has to say)

Tell me what happened yesterday. I’m all ears!

3 – Beat one’s brains out (try very hard to understand or do something)

Can you help me with this problem? I’ve been beating my brains out with it, but I just can’t solve it.

4 – Blow one’s top (become extremely angry)

When I came home late at night my father blew his top.

5 – Bull-headed (stubborn, inflexible)

Don’t be so bull-headed. Why can’t you admit that others’ opinions are just as good as yours?

6 – By oneself (alone and without help)

I can’t do this by myself. Can you help me?

7 – Can’t make heads or tail of something (can’t understand something at all)

I couldn’t make heads or tail of your letter. Were you having any problem?

8 – Crash course (short course designed to give a lot of knowledge/information in a very short time)

My company is sending me to Islamabad to take a crash course in office management.

9 – Cut it out (stop doing something)

Your kids are making too much noise. Cut it out!

10 – Drop someone a line (write to someone)

I’d better drop my parents a line today or tomorrow.

11 – Drag one’s feet (delay, take longer than necessary to do something)

You should have finished your project a week ago. Why are you dragging your feet?

12 – An egghead (a very intelligent person)

Jamil didn’t make very good grades in school, but his sister was a real egghead.

13 – Every other (alternately, omitting the second one in each group of two)

In your essays, please write on every other line.

14 – Far-fetched (difficult to accept, difficult to believe)

That story is so far-fetched that nobody can believe it.

15 – Feel blue (feel sad and depressed)

I’m feeling blue because I haven’t had any mail except utility bills.

16 – Fire someone (dismiss someone from a job because of poor performance)

If you continue to be late for work, the company will fire you.

17 – Feel puny (feel unwell, ill)

Tariq was feeling puny yesterday, so he decided not to go to work.

18 – Get on one’s nerves (irritate someone, make someone upset)

I know you like that song, but it has started getting on my nerves now.

19 – Give someone a hand (help someone)

I can’t do this alone. Can you give me a hand?

20 – Give some a hand (applaud, to show respect)

Moeen has done a wonderful job in the stage show. Let’s give him a hand.

21 – A go-getter (ambitious, hardworking person)

I’m not surprised that Tahir finishes before anyone else. He’s is a real go-getter.

22 – Go with the flow (take things as they come)

There is no need to worry. Everything will be OK if you just go with the flow.

23 – Had better (be obliged to)

You’d better leave soon. If you don’t, you’ll miss your bus.

24 – Hard feelings (anger, animosity)

I’ve no hard feelings toward you; I know you didn’t want to hurt me.

25 – Hard-headed (stubborn, unwilling to change)

I don’t think Jimmy will change his mind. He’s pretty hard-headed.

26 – Have one’s hands full (be extremely busy)

Mr. A: Will you be able to help me this afternoon?

Mr. B: I’m afraid not. I’ll have my hands full trying to finish a research paper.

27 – Hit the hay (go to bed, go to sleep)

It’s late, so I guess I’ll hit the hay.

28 – Hit the sack (go to bed)

I’m really tired. I think I’ll hit the sack.

29 – How come? (Why?)

How come you weren’t at the party?

30 – Inside out (with the inner part on the outside and the outer part on the inside)

Why are you wearing your tee shirt inside out?

31 – In stock (in supply and available)

I’m sorry, long shoes are not in stock at this time.

32 – In the black (profitable, not showing a financial loss)

Our company has been in the black this year.

33 – In the red (unprofitable, showing a financial loss)

Alas! Our company has been in the red this year.

34 – In time (not late)

I thought I was going to be late for my flight, but it was delayed, so I was still on time.

35 – Jump to conclusions (decide something too quickly and without thinking about it)

You should not have jumped to conclusions without first consulting your colleagues.

36 – Keep an eye on (check something regularly)

You’re busy, so you’ll need to keep an eye on the time.

37 – Keep one’s chin up (remain brave and confident in a difficult situation)

Keep your chin up. Everything will be better soon.

38 – Keep/stay in touch (with someone) (remain informed about someone / in contact with someone)

I haven’t seen Zahid for two or three years but we keep in touch through skype.

39 – Keep one’s fingers crossed (hope for the best)

I’m keeping my fingers crossed as I know I’ve done well in the test.

40 – A know-it-all (someone who acts as if he/she knows everything)

Jon is a know-it-all so you need not make any suggestions to him.

41 – Know something backwards and forwards (know/understand something completely and thoroughly)

She knows networking backwards and forwards.

42 – Know something inside out (know/understand something thoroughly)

She knows grammar inside out.

43 – Lend someone a hand (help someone)

I can’t do this alone. Can you lend me a hand?

44 – A let-down (a disappointment)

It must’ve been quite a let-down not be chosen for that job.

45 – Live and let live (do as you wish and let others do as they wish)

Our motto should be live and let live.

46 – A low blow (a big disappointment)

It was a low blow for him to be dismissed from his job.

47 – Not on your life (absolutely not)

Mr. A: Someone said you broke the glass. Did you?

Mr. B: Not on your life!

48 – Now and then (occasionally, from time to time)

I see her now and then, but not regularly.

49 – On the dot (exactly at a given time)

We’re leaving at 09:00 on the dot. If you’re late, we’ll go without you.

50 – On the cutting edge (using the most recent technology)

The university’s lab is on the cutting edge. It has the latest equipment for scientific experiments.

51 – Once in a while (occasionally, from time to time)

I drink tea once in a while, but I drink coffee daily.

52 – Over one’s head (too difficult or complicated for someone to understand)

The crime-based TV serials are often over my head.

53 – Pay the piper (face the consequences for something you’ve done)

I stayed up too late tonight. Tomorrow I’ll have to pay the piper.

54 – Pop quiz (unannounced short test)

We had a pop quiz in the class yesterday)

55 – A quick study (someone who learns new things quickly and easily)

She’s a quick study as she has a receptive mind.

56 – Read someone’s mind (know what someone is thinking)

Mr. A: I’m sure you’re thinking about your son.

Mr. B: Hey, did you read my mind?

57 – Rub someone’s wrong way (irritate someone)

Usually, I’m patient with my son but sometimes all his questions rub me the wrong way.

58 – Sooner or later (eventually)

If you go on working too hard, sooner or later you’ll get sick.

59 – So-so (fair, not particularly good)

Mr. A: How’re you doing?

Mr. B: So-so, I’ve been better, but I’ve also been worse.

60 – State of the art (using the latest technology)

The university is very proud of the equipment in its computer lab. It’s state of the art.

61 – Step on it! (Hurry up)

Step on it! The taxi will be here at any time and you’re not even dressed!

62 – Take it easy (relax)

Don’t be worried about the interview; take it easy.

63 – Tight-fisted (unwilling to spend money unnecessarily)

He’s too tight-fisted! He will not donate any money to the charity fund.

64 – Tricky (easily confused or misunderstood)

This problem is tricky. I don’t really understand it.

65 – Two-faced (deceitful, disloyal)

I thought he was my friend, but he’s two-faced.

66 – Upside down (with the bottom part on top and the top part on the bottom)

Put the glasses upside down in the dishwasher.

67 – What’s up? (what’s new?; what’s happening?)

Hi, Mini. What’s up?

68 – A yes-man (someone who tries to get approval by agreeing with everyone)

He is a yes-man. He agrees with everything the boss says!

69 – You’ve got to be kidding! (You can’t be serious)

Mr. A: Did you know that Mini had married a Scottish girl?

Mr. B: You’ve got to be kidding!

70 – Young at heart (thinking or behaving as if you are young even though you are old)

My grandfather is 90 but he’s young at heart.

71 – Zip your lip! (Keep something secret, promise not to tell what has just been said)

Zip your lip and don’t utter even a single word about what you’ve just heard.


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