воскресенье, 25 декабря 2022 г.

45+ Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Wishes for 2023


Christmas and New Year are best friends, so they come together. We love them for it. It’s such an exciting time around the world. A whole week of festivities and celebration.

To help you save time and enjoy these events, here are some wonderful Merry Christmas and New Year messages and wishes that you can send to everyone you know.

When we want to send someone a good message, we often struggle with finding the right words. So, here I am with the perfect messages you can send right away.

Have the best time!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Wishes

  1. Let the magic of love brighten our smiles and enlighten our souls. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to the loveliest person I know.
  2. In our perfect ways. In the ways we are beautiful. In the ways we are human. We are here. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Let’s make it ours.
  3. May the divinity and purity of the Christmas and the new year festivals make your life holy and meaningful. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in advance to all my special ones.
  4. Wishing you a merry Christmas and a happy new year filled with health, wealth, and joy.
  5. Sending love and warm wishes to you and your family this holiday season. May the new year bring you prosperity, happiness, and success.
  6. May this holiday season be filled with laughter, love, and cherished moments with loved ones. Happy Christmas and a wonderful new year!
  7. As we celebrate the birth of Jesus and look forward to the new year, may your heart be filled with hope, peace, and joy. Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
  8. Wishing you a merry Christmas and a happy new year filled with blessings, prosperity, and abundance. May you be surrounded by love and warmth during this special time.
  9. May your Christmas be filled with magical moments and your new year be filled with endless possibilities. Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you and your loved ones.
  10. As we celebrate the holiday season and look forward to the new year, may you be blessed with joy, good health, and success in all areas of your life. Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
  11. Sending you love, joy, and peace during this holiday season. May the new year bring you happiness, health, and prosperity. Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
  12. May the melody and spirit of the holidays fill your home with love and peace. I wish you Happy Holidays merry Christmas and happy New Year 2023!
  13. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! It’s that time of the year again, so prepare to have the best time ever with friends and family!
  14. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Wishing you the very best!
  15. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Thinking of you during this wonderful holiday season and wish you much happiness.
  16. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Wishing you lots of fun and excitement, and a super fantastic year to come!
  17. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Hoping your holidays and all your days are filled with happiness!
  18. May the magic of the Christmas season fill your home with joy and peace. Sending lots of love to your family, and looking forward to the day we can see you again. Take care of yourselves and stay safe.
  19. This Christmas I want to wish you lots of smiles and all the light in the world. Be happy, and I will take care of the rest. Looking forward to the best new year in my life. Merry Christmas 2022 and Happy New Year 2023!
  20. Sending a big hug to you and everyone you love! A very jolly Christmas and new year to you!
  21. May you shine forever with the joy of blessings and love. Wishing you a very merry Christmas and a jolly new year!
  22. The holidays are a time to keep your spirit light and your smile bright. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
  23. Wishing you joy & happiness through the holidays and straight through the year. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
  24. Have a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
  25. Joyful. Exciting. Wonderful. Sparkling. Wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
  26. Get carried away in the joy & wonder this time of year brings. Merry Christmas & Happiness in the New Year!
  27. This Christmas and New Year, may you receive all your heart desires and have the best time of your life.
  28. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Wishing you a season of peace, joy, and love!
  29. I hope you get everything on your holiday wish list. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  30. May this festive season brings all the success for you. May you achieve what you aimed for in life. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  31. The time for celebration and gathering is about to begin. Prepare yourself to embrace the best of this year. Wish you a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
  32. Merry Christmas And Happy New Year. May your heart be full of love and your mug full of cocoa!
  33. Merry Christmas And Happy New Year! I’ll put in a good word for you with Santa. Wishing you a warm and bright holiday season!
  34. Stay warm this winter season! Wishing you snow many new memories to cherish. Merry Christmas And Happy New Year!
  35. May this festive season sparkle and shine, may all of your wishes and dreams come true, and may you feel this happiness all year round. Merry Christmas and a very happy new year!
  36. ‘Tis the season! Wishing you a wonderful Christmas filled with memories you’ll always treasure. Merry Xmas and new year wishes to you!
  37. Your friendship and love are the best gifts I’ve ever received. On this joyous occasion, I send all my love your way. Merry Christmas 2022 and Happy New Year 2023!
  38. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Wishing you a sweet holiday filled with lots of homemade goodies!
  39. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Wishing you lots of fun and excitement, and a super fantastic year to come!
  40. A very jolly Christmas and New Year to you and your family. Sending you my best wishes. Shine bright all year!
  41. When you are weak, may Christ be your strength. And if you are sad, may His love bring joy to your heart. When you are in despair, may you find comfort in the love of Jesus. Merry Christmas 2022 and happy new year 2023!
  42. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. The holidays are here so it’s time to enjoy the Christmas festivities, create special memories, and have an exceptionally great new year!
  43. Thinking of you during this delightful holiday and sending a message of hope, peace, and love your way. Have a sensational Christmas day and an exciting new year!
  44. Wishing you a joyous holiday and a wonderful year ahead that is filled with good friends, lots of amazing opportunities, and fantastic times! Have an absolutely fabulous day!
  45. Let our children see the child within us during Christmas. So that they know that Christmas is always exciting no matter the age. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2023.
  46. The holidays are a time to keep your spirit light and your smile bright. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
  47. May all your dreams come true, and may all your wishes be fulfilled. May your life be filled with all the happiness you deserve. Wish you a bright Christmas and a prosperous happy new year.
  48. Sending the warmest Christmas and new year wishes to you and your family. May God shower his choicest blessings on you and your family this Christmas!

Aarushi Tewari


пятница, 23 декабря 2022 г.

Лексика по теме «Город»


Русско-английский глоссарий по теме "Город"

Русское слово
English Word
аптекаchemist's (shop)[ ˈkemɪsts ] [ ʃɒp ]
аркаarch[ ɑːtʃ ]
банкbank[ bæŋk ]
барbar[ bɑː ]
бассейнswimming pool / baths[ ˈswɪmɪŋ puːl ] [ bɑːðz ]
библиотекаlibrary[ ˈlaɪbrəri ]
больницаhospital[ ˈhɒspɪtl̩ ]
булочнаяbakery, baker's (shop)[ ˈbeɪkəri ] [ ˈbeɪkəz ʃɒp ]
бюро находокlost property office[ lɒst ˈprɒpəti ˈɒfɪs ]
витрина(shop) window[ ʃɒp ˈwɪndəʊ ]
воротаgate(s)[ ɡeɪt ˈes ]
впечатляющийimpressive[ ɪmˈpresɪv ]
входentrance, way in[ ɪnˈtrɑːns ] [ ˈweɪ ɪn ]
выбирать / выбратьto choose, to select, to pick[ tə tʃuːz ] [ tə sɪˈlekt ] [ tə pɪk ]
высококачественныйhigh-quality[ haɪ ˈkwɒlɪti ]
выходexit, way out[ ˈeksɪt ] [ ˈweɪ aʊt ]
галереяgallery[ ˈɡæləri ]
гастрономgrocer's / grocery (shop)[ ˈɡrosərz ] [ ˈɡrəʊsəri ʃɒp ]
гулять / погулятьto (go for a) walk / stroll[ tə ɡəʊ fər ə wɔːk ] [ strəʊl ]
движениеtraffic[ ˈtræfɪk ]
делать / сделать покупкиto shop, to go shopping[ tə ʃɒp ] [ tə ɡəʊ ˈʃɒpɪŋ ]
денежный автоматcash machine / dispenser[ kæʃ məˈʃiːn ] [ dɪˈspensə ]
деньгиmoney[ ˈmʌni ]
дешёвыйcheap[ tʃiːp ]
дорогаroad[ rəʊd ]
дорогойdear (чувства), expensive (стоимость)[ dɪə ] [ ɪkˈspensɪv ]
дорожный знакroad sign[ rəʊd saɪn ]
заблудитьсяto get lost, to lose one's way[ tə ˈɡet lɒst ] [ tə luːz wʌnz ˈweɪ ]
заторtraffic jam, congestion[ ˈtræfɪk dʒæm ] [ kənˈdʒestʃən ]
зданиеbuilding[ ˈbɪldɪŋ ]
зоопаркzoo[ zuː ]
игрушечный магазинtoyshop[ ˈtɔɪʃɒp ]
искатьto look for, search for, to seek[ tə lʊk fɔː ] [ sɜːtʃ fɔː ] [ tə siːk ]
кассаcheckout, cash-desk; till, cash register[ ˈtʃekaʊt ] [ kæʃ desk ] [ tɪl ] [ kæʃ ˈredʒɪstə ]
кафеcafe / cafe[ ˈkæfeɪ ]
квитанция (чек)receipt[ rɪˈsiːt ]
киноcinema[ ˈsɪnəmə ]
киоскstall[ stɔːl ]
клумбаflower-bed[ ˈflaʊəbed ]
книжный магазинbookshop[ ˈbʊkʃɒp ]
кредитная карточкаcredit card[ ˈkredɪt kɑːd ]
лифтlift[ lɪft ]
магазинshop[ ʃɒp ]
мелочь(small) change[ smɔːl tʃeɪndʒ ]
мечетьmosque[ mɒsk ]
монетаcoin[ kɔɪn ]
мостbridge[ brɪdʒ ]
музейmuseum[ mjuːˈzɪəm ]
мясной магазинbutcher's (shop)[ ˈbʊtʃərz ʃɒp ]
на втором этажеon the first floor (second storey)[ ɒn ðə ˈfɜːst flɔː] [ˈsekənd ˈstɔːri ]
на первом этажеon the ground floor (first storey)[ ɒn ðə ɡraʊnd flɔː ] [ ˈfɜːst ˈstɔːri ]
налевоon / to the left[ ɒn ] [ tə ðə left ]
направоon / to the right[ ɒn ] [ tə ðə raɪt ]
находить/найтиto find[ tə faɪnd ]
новыйnew[ njuː ]
ночной клубnightclub[ ˈnaɪtklʌb ]
обувной магазинshoe shop[ ʃuː ʃɒp ]
памятникmemorial, monument[ mɪˈmɔːrɪəl ] [ ˈmɒnjʊmənt ]
парикмахерскаяhairdresser's, hair salon[ ˈheədresəɪz ] [ heə ˈsælɒn ]
паркpark[ pɑːk ]
перекрёстокcrossroads, junction[ ˈkrɒsrəʊdz ] [ ˈdʒʌŋkʃn̩ ]
переход (зебра)(pedestrian) crossing (zebra crossing)[ pɪˈdestrɪən ˈkrɒsɪŋ ] [ ˈzebrə ˈkrɒsɪŋ ]
перейти (через) улицуto cross the street / road[ tə krɒs ðə striːt ] [ rəʊd ]
пешеходpedestrian[ pɪˈdestrɪən ]
план городаtown plan, street map[ taʊn plæn ] [ striːt mæp ]
платить / заплатить (за что)to pay (for)[ tə peɪ fɔː ]
платить / заплатить наличнымиto pay (in) cash[ tə peɪ ɪn kæʃ ]
площадь(town) square[ taʊn skweə ]
подарокpresent, gift[ prɪˈzent ] [ ɡɪft ]
подержанныйsecond-hand[ ˈsekənd hænd ]
подземный переходunderpass, subway[ ˈʌndəpɑːs ] [ ˈsʌbweɪ ]
пожарное депоfire station[ ˈfaɪə ˈsteɪʃn̩ ]
покупательbuyer, purchaser; customer[ ˈbaɪə ] [ ˈpɜːtʃəsə ] [ ˈkʌstəmə ]
покупать / купитьto buy, to purchase[ tə baɪ ] [ tə ˈpɜːtʃəs ]
получитьto receive[ tə rɪˈsiːv ]
послать письмоto send / post a letter[ tə send ] ] pəʊst ə ˈletə ]
почтаpost office[ pəʊst ˈɒfɪs ]
почтовый ящикpostbox, pillar box[ ˈpəʊstbɒks ] [ ˈpɪlə bɒks ]
прилавокcounter[ ˈkaʊntə ]
примерочнаяfitting / changing room[ ˈfɪtɪŋ ] [ ˈtʃeɪndʒɪŋ ruːm ]
примерятьto try on[ tə traɪ ɒn ]
продаватьto sell[ tə sel ]
распродажа(clearance) sale[ ˈklɪərəns seɪl ]
ресторанrestaurant[ ˈrestrɒnt ]
рыбный магазинfish shop, fishmonger's (shop)[ fɪʃ ʃɒp ] [ ˈfɪʃmʌŋɡəɪz ʃɒp ]
рынокmarket[ ˈmɑːkɪt ]
светофор(set of) traffic lights[ set əv ˈtræfɪk laɪts ]
синагогаsynagogue[ ˈsɪnəɡɒɡ ]
скамьяbench, seat[ bentʃ ] [ siːt ]
скидкаdiscount, (price) reduction[ ˈdɪskaʊnt ] [ praɪs rɪˈdʌkʃn̩ ]
соборcathedral[ kəˈθiːdrəl ]
стадионstadium[ ˈsteɪdɪəm ]
статуяstatue[ ˈstætʃuː ]
стоитьto cost[ tə kɒst ]
стоянка машинcar park[ kɑː pɑːk ]
стоянка таксиtaxi-rank[ ˈtæksi ræŋk ]
стоять в очередиto queue up (for)[ tə kjuː ʌp fɔː ]
театрtheatre[ ˈθɪətə ]
торговаться (с кем-л.)to bargain / haggle (with)[ tə ˈbɑːɡɪn ] [ ˈhæɡl̩ wɪð ]
торговый центрshopping centre[ ˈʃɒpɪŋ ˈsentə ]
тротуар (мостовая)pavement[ ˈpeɪvmənt ]
тупикdead end, blind alley[ ded end ] [ blaɪnd ˈæli ]
уголcorner[ ˈkɔːnə ]
узкийnarrow[ ˈnærəʊ ]
улицаstreet[ striːt ]
универмагdepartment store[ dɪˈpɑːtmənt stɔː ]
универсамsupermarket[ ˈsuːpəmɑːkɪt ]
уставатьto get / grow tired[ tə ˈɡet ] [ ɡrəʊ ˈtaɪəd ]
фонтанfountain[ ˈfaʊntɪn ]
ценаprice, cost[ praɪs ] [ kɒst ]
церковьchurch[ tʃɜːtʃ ]
циркcircus[ ˈsɜːkəs ]
чек (банковский)cheque[ tʃek ]
чековая книжкаchequebook[ ˈtʃekbʊk ]
широкийwide, broad[ waɪd ] [ brɔːd ]
эскалаторescalator[ ˈeskəleɪtə ]
этажfloor, storey[ flɔː ] [ ˈstɔːri ]
ювелирный магазинjeweller's (shop), jewellery shop[ ˈdʒuːələɪz ʃɒp ] [ ˈdʒuːəlri ʃɒp ]


суббота, 3 декабря 2022 г.

Замещение или пропуск слов в английском языке (Ellipsis and Substittution)







(во мн. ч. - ONES)

Может заменять ранее упомянутое исчисляемое существительное

I havent got a textbook. I must buy one.

У меня нет учебника, мне нужно его купить.

I dont like these yellow flowers. Let me have some red onesМне не нравятся эти желтые цветы. Дайте мне красных.


(во мн. ч. - THOSE)

Может заменять ранее упомянутое существительное, за которым следует какой-либо предложный оборот

The Bratsk power-station on the Angara is much more powerful than that on the Dnieper. Братская электростанция на Ангаре намного мощнее, чем (электростанция) на Днепре.

The railways of our country are longer than those of any other country. Железные дороги нашей страны длинней, чем (железные дороги) какой-либо другой страны.


Может заменять глагол в соответствующей форме

He translates from Russian into English better than I doОн переводит с русского на английский лучше меня.



Употребляется, чтобы не повторять глагол в форме инфинитива

“Did you go to the theatre last night?”

“I wanted to, but I couldn't”.

- Вы были в театре вчера?

- Я хотел (пойти), но не смог.


Употребляется, чтобы не повторять часть или все предложение

“Did Paul leave Moscow yesterday?”

“I think so, but I'm not quite sure”.

- Павел уехал из Москвы вчера?

- Кажется, да, но я не совсем уверен.

Substitution in English Grammar

In English grammar, substitution is the replacement of a word or phrase with a filler word such as "one", "so", or "do" in order to avoid repetition. Consider the following example from Gelett Burgess' poem "The Purple Cow". 

I never saw a Purple Cow,
I never hope to see one;
But I can tell you, anyhow,
I'd rather see than be one.

This author relies on substitution to make his piece less monotonous. Notice how, in lines two and four, "one" is used in place of "The Purple Cow". Burgess was far from the first, and certainly not the last, writer to use substitution. In fact, substitution was one of the methods of cohesion examined by M. A. K. Halliday and Ruqaiya Hasan in 1976 in the influential text Cohesion in English and remains one of the main tools for written coherence today (Halliday and Hasan 1976).

Examples and Observations

Substitution is not restricted to writing and can be found in many types of media. See the following spoken examples from television and speeches.

  • "Don't you ever read the Times, Watson? I've often advised you to do so if you want to know something," (Lee, Sherlock Holmes and the Deadly Necklace).
  • "When I quote others, I do so in order to express my own ideas more clearly." -Michel de Montaigne
  • Niles: "I'll have a decaf latte, and please be sure to use skim milk.
    Frasier: I'll have the same," ("You Can't Tell a Crook by His Cover").
  • "Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better,"(Lincoln 1848).
  • "All generalizations are false, including this one." -Unknown
  • Alan Garner: "Hey guys, when's the next Haley's comet?
    Stu Price: I don't think it's for like another sixty years or something.
    Alan Garner: But it's not tonight, right?
    Stu Price: No, I don't think so," (Galifianakis and Helms, The Hangover).

The Process of Substitution

An A-Z of English Grammar & Usage, by Leech et al., provides a helpful summary of the process of substitution. "In substitution, there are two expressions [A] ... [B] in the text: [A] could be repeated (as in [A] . . . [A]) but instead we 'replace' it with a substitute word or phrase [B].

An example of substitution:

  • 'I bet you get married [A] before I get married [A].' - repetition
  • 'I bet you get married [A] before I do [B].' - substitution, using do as a substitute for get married,"​(Leech et al. 2001).

Types of Substitution

María Teresa Taboada, in her book Building Coherence and Cohesion, classifies and structures substitution more clearly. See her example utterances and explanations for a detailed breakdown. "Substitution comes in three flavors: nominalverbal or clausal, depending on the item being substituted. In (133) below, one is a substitute term for meeting, an example of nominal substitution.

(133) okay. Jules. /um/ thanks for the meeting, | let's start the next one

One or Ones are the terms most commonly used for nominal substitution in English. Verbal substitution is realized through an auxiliary verb (do, be, have), sometimes together with another substitute term such as so or the same. Example (134) shows the substitution of looks pretty good in the first clause with so does in the second one. The next example, (135) is one of clausal substitution, where so substitutes the previous clause. The terms used in clausal substitution are so and not.

(134) : .../ah/ Thursday the sixth looks pretty good, and, so does Monday the tenth. | how 'bout for you.
(135): do you think we'll need an hour? | if so, how 'bout, the twenty sixth, three to four?"

Taboada also explains the form and function of ellipsis substitution, an alternative to simply swapping one word for another. "Ellipsis is a special instance of substitution, in that it involves substitution by zero. Instead of one of the lexical items mentioned for substitution, no item is used, and the hearer/listener is left to fill in the gap where the substitute item, or the original item, should have appeared," (Taboada 2004).

Reference Vs. Substitution

If substitution reminds you of pronoun reference, this is probably because the two grammatical constructions are fairly similar. However, they are not the same and must not be confused. Brian Paltridge explains the distinction between reference and ellipsis-substitution in Discourse Analysis: An Introduction. "It is important to point out differences between reference and ellipsis-substitution. One difference is that reference can reach a long way back in the text whereas ellipsis and substitution are largely limited to the immediately preceding clause.

Another key difference is that with reference there is a typical meaning of co-reference. That is, both items typically refer to the same thing. With ellipsis and substitution, this is not the case. There is always some difference between the second instance and the first. If a speaker or writer wants to refer to the same thing, they use reference. If they want to refer to something different, they use ellipsis-substitution," (Paltridge 2017).


  • Burgess, Frank Gelett. “The Purple Cow.” The Lark, William Doxey, 1895.
  • Fisher, Terence, director. Sherlock Holmes and the Deadly Necklace. Central Cinema Company Film (CCC), 1963.
  • Halliday, M. A. K., and Ruqaiya Hasan. Cohesion in English. Longman, 1976.
  • Leech, Geoffrey, et al. An A-Z of English Grammar & Usage. 2nd ed., Pearson Education, 2001.
  • Lincoln, Abraham. “Speech in the United States House of Representatives.” Speech in the United States House of Representatives. 12 Jan. 1848, Washington, D.C.
  • Paltridge, Brian. Discourse Analysis: an Introduction. Bloomsbury Academic, Bloomsbury Publishing Place, 2017.
  • Phillips, Todd, director. The Hangover. Warner Bros., 2009.
  • Taboada María Teresa. 
  • Building Coherence and Cohesion: Task-Oriented Dialogue in English and Spanish. John Benjamins, 2004.
  • “You Can't Tell a Crook by His Cover.” Ackerman, Andy, director. Frazier, season 1, episode 15, NBC, 27 Jan. 1994.


Ellipsis and substitution

The first question to answer is why we should ellipt (leave out) or substitute parts of the language at all.
There are two reasons:

  1. Style:
    There are many occasions in both speaking and writing when repeating ourselves is considered poor form, poor style or quite odd.  For example, an utterance such as:
        I expected the weather to be bad and stop us playing and the weather was bad and the weather stopped us playing
    would sound strange whenever it was said or written.
    It can be amended to the better-sounding:
        I expected the weather to be bad and stop us playing and it was and did
    with it substituting for the weather, was substituting for was bad and did substituting for stopped us playing.
  2. Focus:
    Omitting or substituting shared items (i.e., information which the hearer / reader already has) allows the speaker / writer to focus on new data.
    For example, we could have an exchange that went something like:
        A: Have you done the washing up?
        B: No, I haven't done the washing up yet

    in which all the data are there in both utterances and that obscures the second speaker's meaning because the first speaker has mentally to dismiss the redundant information to extract the core communication.  A better and more natural exchange would be:
        A: Have you done the washing up?
        B: Not yet

    in which only the new information is relayed and the focus is clear.
    Of course, speaker B could have responded with:
        B: No
    but that would run counter to the cooperative principle which controls how communication happens.  In particular, in Grice's words:

    Make your contribution such as it is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged.
    (Grice 1989: 26)

    The simple 'No' answer provides only half the information the questioner demands.  We have the negative but not the implied commitment to do the washing up later which is encoded in the adverb yet.
    In this case, yet, stands for the sense of the present perfect tense form and is a case of substitution, not just ellipsis.
    There are more examples of this kind of ellipsis in the section below on spoken ellipsis and substitution.

On a piece of paper, abbreviate the following by replacing parts of sentences (substitution) or by leaving them out (ellipsis).
Click on the table when you've done it.

A closer look

OK.  Let's see what's happening.

  1. The sentence:
        I bought a shirt online but when the shirt arrived I didn't like the shirt
    changed to
        I bought a shirt online but when it arrived I didn't like it
    The noun shirt (with its article) has been replaced twice by it.  Pronoun substitution is just about the most common form of substitution.  The third-person pronouns are often used to refer to things in the text, e.g.:
        I don't really need reading glasses but they help
    and first- second- and third-person pronouns may be used to refer to people and things outside the text (exophoric referencing), e.g.:
        I liked the shirt but you didn't like it
        Maggie, Jim and I set out on time but they were delayed
  2. The exchange:
        Do you have any dark green floor tiles?
        No we don't have any dark green floor tiles but we have some dark blue floor tiles

    changed to
        Do you have any dark green floor tiles?
        No, we don't, but we have some dark blue ones

    In this example, two things are happening:
    1. The noun phrase (dark green floor tiles) has been replaced with ones, another common device.  This is a pronoun of sorts (the term pro-form would be better) and it can exist in both singular and plural guises (one/ones).
    2. The whole clause have any dark green floor tiles has been simply ellipted (left out), leaving only the auxiliary verb and the negative particle.  The verb have is clearly understood by both speakers.  The operator (do, in this case, with the negator) is left to stand for the whole verb phrase and the object.
  3. The exchange:
        Has the post come?
        No, the post hasn't come

    changed to
        Has the post come?
        No it hasn't

    Again, two things are happening:
    1. The noun phrase (the post) has been replaced with it, as in 1.
    2. The lexical or main verb come has been ellipted, leaving only the auxiliary verb and the negator (No, it hasn't).  Clearly, the verb come is understood.  Primary auxiliary verbs often remain to stand for entire verb phrases.
  4. The sentence:
        She loves gardening and Tom loves gardening
    changed to
        She loves gardening and so does Tom
    Here we have an example of so + the primary auxiliary standing for the lexical or main verb.  In these cases the auxiliary is called the operator.  It is a common device within and across sentences so we can also have, e.g.:
        I love gardening
        So do I!
    You may have changed this differently, having, perhaps:
        She and Tom love gardening
    which ellipts the verb and its object from the first half.
    or even
        She loves gardening and Tom, too
    ellipting the whole verb phrase and its object
    In this case even with the insertion of the adverb too, some ambiguity is present because we may understand that she loves both gardening and Tom.
  5. The sentence:
        The doctor advised me to take more exercise and I will take more exercise
    changed to
        The doctor advised me to take more exercise and I will (do) (so)
    Here again the operator auxiliary stands for the whole clause will take more exercise.  It can be do or its variant do so.
    In this case, because we also have the future marker will we can also reduce it to
        The doctor advised me to take more exercise and I will
    where the auxiliary is left to stand for the whole verb phrase and its object.
  6. The sentence:
        I didn't think he would arrive but he arrived
    changed to
        I didn't think he would arrive but he did
    Here the word did (the operator) stands for the verb arrived.  It's a straight substitution that is used with lexical or main verbs in simple past and simple present tenses (only).  For example:
        She promised to come early and did
        He thought it would rain but it didn't

        She thinks she understands but doesn't
    In tenses in the progressive and perfect aspects we can remove the main lexical verb and leave the primary auxiliary to substitute, e.g.:
        He has promised to pay me and he has
    but if we do that with simple tenses, there's nothing left.  We can't have
        *I didn't think he would arrive but he
    so English inserts the operator (did) to stand as the verb or verb phrase.  It can stand for a very long clause as in:
        I was surprised that the government decided to pass a law making it illegal to study grammar in school or even the privacy of your own home but it did.
  7. The sentence:
        She has cleaned and she has polished the car
    changed to
        She has cleaned and polished the car
    Both the subject, she, and the auxiliary verb, has, have been ellipted because they are common to both verbs.  The object of both verbs is the car.  Subject ellipsis is only allowed with some coordinating conjunctions; and, in this case.  There is more on the this restriction below.
    At other times, various parts of the sentence can be ellipted, for example:
        They have painted the house and the garage
    ellipting the subject, the auxiliary verb and the main verb
        I have washed the car and painted the door
    ellipting only the subject and the auxiliary verb because the object of each verb is different
        She has cleaned and repaired the door
    ellipting the object common to both verbs and the auxiliary.
  8. The exchange:
        A: Where is she?
        B: She is in the garden

    changed to
        A: Where is she?
        B: In the garden

    Again, shared information has allowed the ellipsis of the verb and its subject, leaving only the prepositional phrase.


Ellipsis has been described as substitution by zero.
Technically, ellipsis only occurs when the item that is omitted is 'uniquely recoverable'.  That is to say, there is no doubt about what has been omitted.  In, say,
    She often drinks sherry and probably will this evening
only drink sherry is the possible ellipsis.
However, in something like
    I liked the design so I bought some
there are a number of possibilities (of them, cars, shirts, shorts, glasses etc.) so this is not a case of ellipsis in the technical sense.  It is an example of substitution rather than ellipsis with the quantifier (some) standing for the object.
For teaching purposes, that really doesn't matter.

In some analyses, no distinction is made between the word classes of pronouns and determiners and both are subsumed into the class of determiner-pronoun.  By that analysis, the use of an item as a pronoun is assumed to be the use as a determiner with an ellipted noun phrase or clause.
We do not follow that analysis on this site because, for teaching purposes, it seems conceptually clearer to distinguish between the word classes.

There are more examples of ellipsis in what follows.

Possibilities and restrictions

We can ellipt a range of different parts of sentences and clauses but the ellipsis is often subject to some restrictions.
In the examples which follow, the symbol Ø represents the ellipted item(s) when it is acceptable only.

  1. Ellipting the verb
    For example, we can have:
        She is coming providing you are coming
    but, in the interests of focus on new information, the verb (because it is the same in both clauses) would normally be left out and we would get:
        She is coming providing you are Ø
    We cannot, however, ellipt the whole verb phrase so:
        *She is coming providing you
    is not acceptable because too much information has been removed for clarity to be achieved.
    What is happening here is that we are ellipting the whole of the predicate, leaving only the auxiliary verb (whether modal or primary).  For example:
        Mary will teach the class some new words in the first lesson and in the second, John can Ø
    which ellipts the whole of the predicate after can (teach the class some new words).
  2. Ellipting an adjective complement
    For example, we can have:
        They are satisfied if we are satisfied
    but, normally, the subject complement (the adjective) would be ellipted because it is redundant information, so we get:
        They are satisfied if we are Ø
    Again, we cannot ellipt the whole verb phrase so:
        *They are satisfied if we
    is not allowed.
    Copular verbs
    In the example above, we have the verb be acting as a copular verb linking the subject (they) with the adjective complement (satisfied).  We saw that the complement can be left out but not the verb.
    Ellipsis of the subject complement cannot, however, occur with alternative pseudo-copular verbs so, for example, we cannot reduce:
        She became a doctor and John became a doctor
        *She became a doctor and John became
        They got tired and we got tired
        *They got tired and we got
  3. Ellipting the prepositional verb or the prepositional complement (or object)
    When a prepositional verb applies to both objects, the preposition and its verb need not be repeated so we can have, for example:
        She objected to the price and Ø the quality
        They complained about the food and Ø the service
    However, if the preposition varies depending on meaning, it has to be inserted so we allow:
        They talked through the problem and Ø about the solutions
    in which both prepositions but not the verb itself are included.
    The prepositional complement (or object) can also be ellipted so we may have:
        He walked to and Ø over the bridge
        She drove past Ø and around the back of the house
    providing that the complement is common to both prepositions.
  4. Ellipting the adverbial
    Adverbials whether realised by adverbs or prepositional phrases can be ellipted providing they are common to both verbs so we get, e.g.:
        Mary was working in Brussels but I wasn't Ø
        Most of the children were playing happily in the sand silly but her son wasn't Ø
    In both cases, the adverbial is ellipted along with the main verb.
  5. Ellipting the subject or object noun phrase
    If the object is completely unambiguous, ellipsis is acceptable so we can have:
        I am doing the work because John can't Ø
    in which the object (the work) as well as the verb (do) are instantly identifiable by the hearer / reader.  The verb phrase is substituted by the modal auxiliary verb can + not and the object noun is ellipted.
    We cannot, however, ellipt the object of a verb phrase if there is any ambiguity so, for example, we allow:
        I'll take my car if you'll take yours
    substituting yours for the implied your car.
    We do not allow the object to be ellipted, however, even if it can be understood so
        *I'll take my car if you'll take
    is not allowable.
    We can, as we shall see, however, allow the auxiliary verb to stand for the whole verb phrase and its object as in:
        I'll take my car if you will Ø
    but that is ambiguous because we have not provided enough information concerning the ownership of the car.
    Nouns and noun phrases are often ellipted when they are pre-modified by adjectives so we get, for example:
        She took the long route and I took the short
    and the noun is uniquely recoverable.
    This frequently occurs with superlative forms of adjective modification and, less frequently, with comparative forms so, we get, e.g.:
        You take the biggest slice and I'll take the smallest
        Smith taught the younger children and his sister taught the olde
    It is common, too, for substitution to occur with the pro-form one(s):
        You take the biggest slice and I'll take the smallest one
        Smith taught the younger children and his sister taught the older ones
    Elision of the noun can only occur when the first noun is modified so we do not allow:
        *Pass me a stick and make it a long
  6. Ellipting the subject and auxiliary verbs
    We can shorten, for example:
        Though he was asked to carry on with the work, he went home
        Though Ø asked to carry on with the work, he went home
    However, if the subject is not the same such ellipsis is impossible so, although we can shorten:
        Though she was asked to carry on, they weren't asked to carry on
        Though she was asked to carry on they weren't Ø
    in which we can ellipt the verb phrase, asked to carry on, because it is common to both clauses, we cannot shorten the sentence to
        *Though asked to carry on they weren't
    because the subjects vary and the outcome is nonsense.
  7. Making verbless clauses
    We can also produce what are called verbless clauses by ellipting the subject and the verb as in shortening, for example:
        While John was on holiday in The States, he met his father
        While Ø on holiday in The States, John met his father
    but we cannot do this if the subject of both verbs is not the same because that creates too much ambiguity so shortening:
        While John was on holiday in The States, his father took him to Disneyland
        While on holiday in The States his father took him to Disneyland
    makes it unclear who was on holiday.
    Trying to do this kind of thing can result in what are called hanging participles in which it is unclear who or what is doing what.  We can have, e.g.:
        While I was on holiday in Spain, it rained every day
    but an attempt to ellipt the subject and verb results in the ridiculous:
        While on holiday in Spain it rained every day
    which suggest that it was on holiday.
  8. Reducing relative clauses
    We can reduce defining relative clauses by ellipting the relative pronoun and the verb phrase of which it is the subject so it is possible to reduce, e.g.:
        I took the paint which was left in the garage to finish the job
        I took the paint Ø left in the garage to finish the job
        He spoke to the children who were waiting in the playground very severely
        He spoke to the children Ø waiting in the playground very severely
    and so on.
    However, we cannot usually reduce non-defining relative clauses in the same way because, by definition, the added information in the relative clause is external to the main clause so shortening, e.g.:
        The train, which had been standing on platform 6, left late
        The train, standing on platform 6, left late
    is not permitted because it creates nonsense.
  9. Informal reductions
    Determiners, pronouns and auxiliary verbs (operators in many cases) can be ellipted only in informal speech or very informal writing such as emails. so we allow, for example:
        Ø Anyone want more potatoes?
        Ø Must go
        Ø Sorry not to have written earlier
    and so on where the operator, the pronoun and the pronoun + the auxiliary verb are omitted respectively.
  10. Ellipting conjunctions
    The conjunctions and and or can sometimes be ellipted, producing what is called asyndetic coordination (coordination without a conjunction).  For example:
        Quietly and carefully he opened the window
    may be reduced to
        Quietly, Ø carefully he opened the window
        Talking to customers or answering emails took most of my day
    could be shortened to:
        Talking to customers, Ø answering emails took most of my day
    We cannot, however, perform this trick with other conjunctions so shortening by removing the conjunctions in, e.g.:
        They were tired but happy
        She was pleased although slightly disappointed

    because that creates unfathomable senses:
        *They were tired, happy
        *She was pleased slightly disappointed

Here's a summary of what kinds of ellipsis are possible in English and some examples of errors if it is taken too far.  It will serve as a way of deciding what to teach and to avoid mixing things up and confusing learners.

If you have followed the guides to subordination and coordination, you will be aware of a phenomenon in English which is not parallelled in many language to do with the ellipsis of the subject in linked clauses.  The summary is:

  1. True coordinators (and, but and or) and the defective coordinators so and yet allow the subject to be omitted providing it refers to the same entity:
        Mary came home and Ø went straight to bed
        I looked but Ø couldn't see him anywhere
        I take the bus or Ø drive
        Mary went home early so Ø missed the end
        She was quite poor yet Ø spent freely on her friends
  2. The marginal coordinators for and so that do not allow the subject omission:
        She wore black make up so that she looked awful
        I called on her for I knew she would want some company
        *She wore black make up so that looked awful
        *I called on her for knew she would want some company
  3. True subordinators (i.e., nearly all other conjunctions) also do not allow the ellipsis of the subject:
        I stayed quiet because I know she wouldn't like the answer
        Wherever he looks he sees enemies
        They were in the kitchen when they heard the explosion
        *I stayed quiet because know she wouldn't like the answer
        *Wherever he looks sees enemies
        *They were in the kitchen when heard the explosion
    and so on.

Of course, in all these cases, if the subject is not co-referential to both clauses, it must be included whether in coordinated or subordinated clauses.


As we saw in the example at the beginning of the last section above, it is sometimes difficult to decide whether an item is being left out (ellipsis) or whether it is being replaced by another element in the clause (substitution).  A good example is in the list below with the use of some and any.  It is a moot point whether we have an instance of the items being used as a substitute for the noun phrase or whether the noun itself is simply being omitted.  As was noted, for teaching purposes, it doesn't matter.
The examples above contain a number of examples of substitution.  They can all be classified under the general heading of pro-forms because they all stand for other elements in some way.  The following is not a complete list and there are more examples further on in this guide.
Pro-forms can:

  1. Stand for noun phrases or nominalised clauses:
    • pronouns
          I liked the pretty porcelain ornaments so I bought them
          She lost her keys so she borrowed mine
          I enjoyed the music they played at the wedding but Mary hated it
    • one and ones
      This gets a separate category because the terms can only apply to count nouns (unlike pronouns such as it or mine) and are sometimes pro-forms and sometimes a cardinal numbers (in which case they may be stressed).
          That's too colourful.  Do you have any plain ones?
          Pass me a hammer.  I need a heavy one

      We saw above that when the first noun is modified, the noun may simply be ellipted so we get, for example:
          If you take the larger piece, I'll be happy with the smaller
      although many prefer to include the pro-form one(s) and this can only occur if the first noun is modified so we cannot have:
          Pass me a hammer.  *I need a heavy
    • demonstratives
          I didn't want the red book.  I wanted those
    • numerals
          I loved the dress so I bought two
    • the same
          My friend wants the omelette and I'll have the same
    • so
          He thinks she's coming to the party but I don't think so
    • some and any
          They all drank beer but I didn't want any
          This is delicious cake.  Don't you want some?
  2. Stand for adverbials (time, place and manner):
    • then
          I came early today and told you then that I'd be leaving at four
    • that and it
          I can get there tomorrow.  Will that be early enough?
          I put it in the garage because that seemed the best place
          She can't arrive till Tuesday but it will be OK
          We keep it in the hallway because it is the obvious place
    • here and there
          We have found a good restaurant near the hotel and here is where we eat most days
          I looked in the bedroom cupboards and there I found it
    • like that and (in) that way
          I try to be serious because that way I get the best response
          He was always sincere and in that way he managed to win people over
          She works pretty hard but it doesn't always look like that
  3. Stand for the verb phrase and sometimes the whole predicate
    • do
          I want to eat out but she doesn't
    • primary auxiliary verbs
          She hasn't eaten yet but I have already
          The fork was broken and so was the spade
    • modal auxiliary verbs
          I don't like it here but Mary might
          I can't come but John may
          I didn't do any work but they might have

Here's a graphical way of representing what we do with these devices.  The examples of ellipsis are outlined in yellow and the rest are substitutions of one kind or another.

Clausal ellipsis in spoken English

A dialogue such as:
    A: Why did you bring that book upstairs?
    B: I brought this book upstairs to read in bed

is at least unusual and very clumsy.
It would be better as
    A: Why did you bring that book upstairs?
    B: To read in bed
which ellipts the whole clause I brought this book upstairs

This is such a common phenomenon (and not only in English) that we can often forget the fact that learners can have some difficulty understanding the sense.  It is not always the case that this kind of ellipsis occurs in response to questions.  It can happen with all initiation types, for example:

Initiations which inform
A: I have bought a new sweater
B: Where?
Initiations which ask if
A: Can you help me with this?
B: Yes, of course I can.
Initiations which ask whether
A: Do you think it'll rain?
B: No chance.
Initiation which direct
A: Get me some chocolate when you are at the station, will you?
B: Sure.

For teaching purposes, we can call these response ellipses because they almost always occur in the response to some kind of initiation.  As was explained at the outset, the motivation for ellipsis in spoken English is often to make the focus or new information stand out.
Here are a few examples of clausal ellipsis in responses:

  • Conditional sentences
    • A: What will you do if he is late?
      B: Carry on without him

      (ellipting the if clause)
    • A: I'm taking the train
      B: If they are running

      (ellipting the main clause)
  • Causal subordinate clauses
    • A: Why are you taking your laptop?
      B: In case I need to check my email

      (ellipting the main clause)
  • Additive clauses
    • A: He's winning at the moment
      B: And it looks like he'll take the points

      (ellipting the first half of a compound sentence)
  • Adversative subordinate clauses
    • A: The weather's lovely
      B: But it won't last

      (ellipting the main clause)
  • Concessive clauses
    • A: She gave him a lovely present
      B: Even though she couldn't afford it

      (ellipting the main clause)
  • Directives
    • A: Tell me the answer to the fifth item
      B: 17

      (ellipting everything except the subject complement)
  • Elicitations
    • A: Is the weather very cold at this time of year?
      B: Not where we live.

      (ellipting the clause and inserting Not for the negative verb phrase)