вторник, 26 июля 2016 г.

Slang A


Meaning: a total failure
For example:
  • The government's housing project was a complete abortion. It cost millions and it didn't help anyone.
  • The election ended up being a total abortion thanks to vote buying.


Meaning: abdominal or stomach muscles
For example:
  • If I do 100 sit-ups a day my abs should be rippling in a couple of months.
  • Your chest and your arms look good, but your abs need a bit of work.
Origin: short for "abdominals"

ace (1)

Meaning: very skillful, very good at something
For example:
  • My little brother was never interested in sports when he was young, but now he's an ace basketball player.
  • If you want to be an ace fighter, you should learn hand-to-hand combat skills like karate or Muay Thai.

ace (2)

Meaning: to easily pass an exam or a test
For example:
  • Jill was up all night studying, and the next day she aced her history exam.
  • Even though he was nervous, Simon aced his driving test and got his driver's licence


Meaning: the potent hallucinogenic drug lysergic acid diethylamide, or LSD
For example:
  • The first time Virginia took a tab of acid, she went a bit crazy and thought she could fly. She was in hospital for three months after jumping off a building.
  • Acid is a very powerful drug, and it can be very dangerous.

action (1)

Meaning: important or exciting activity
For example:
  • I've always lived in inner-city areas because I like to be where the action is.
  • If you want to get into movies, Los Angeles is where the action is.

action (2)

Meaning: sexual activity
For example:
  • Where do you go for some action round here on Saturday nights?
  • If you're looking for some action, go down to the bars and clubs on Williams Road.


Meaning: administrator, administration, person or department that runs an organisation
For example:
  • If you're having trouble logging on, contact your service provider's admin staff.
  • Why does this dumbass forum's admin dork keep deleting my excellent posts? Is it coz of my slang?
Note: Most commonly used to mean the person who runs a computer network, a server, or an online forum.Origin: short for administrator or administration

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