вторник, 20 июня 2017 г.

States and Territories

A. = Adjective   ADV. = Adverb   IDM. = Idiom   N. = Noun   V. = Verb
to be classifiedV. to be put into a category, to be arranged in classes or groups
a districtN. an area of land or political division used for official purposes
geographicalA. relating to geography
geographicallyADV. done in a way which is related to geography
New EnglandN. a cultural region in the United States known for its small towns, traditional culture, countryside and colored leaves in autumn
a regionN. a large area or part
self-governingA. independently run, not controlled from the outside
a stateN. a smaller, partly self-governing division of certain countries
to stretchV. to spread out, extend
tiedA. 1) connected with rope or string 2) connected (historically, politically, economically, etc.)
a territory (territories) N. an area of land ruled by a government
"Territory" often suggests that the area of land is not given full recognition or equal power in the political process.

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