понедельник, 5 июня 2017 г.

Presidential Elections

A. = Adjective   ADV. = Adverb   IDM. = Idiom   N. = Noun   V. = Verb

to abandonV. to leave something behind; to give something up
to backV. to give support to
a ballotN. the piece of paper you write your vote on
to campaignV. to advertise oneself (or someone else) as a candidate in an upcoming election; to work towards getting oneself (or someone else) elected
a campaignN. 1) the process of trying to get oneself (or someone else) elected 2) an attempt or series of attempts to achieve a goal
to cast (a ballot)V. to put (your ballot) in the ballot box
connectionsN. social relationships which allow you certain opportunities; the people you know who can help you (get a job, raise money, gain power, etc.) 
to debateV. to have a structured, formal argument about a controversial topic
a debateN. a structured, formal argument on a controversial topic
to electV. to choose someone to be a leader through a democratic vote
an electionN. the process of choosing a leader through a democratic vote
to run for presidentV. to campaign to be president, to try to become president
to voteV. to formally express one's choice in writing or by raising one's hand; to make one's choice in an election
a voteN. the act of formally expressing one's choice in writing or by raising one's hand

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