суббота, 25 марта 2023 г.

Types of a Sentence

 Types of a sentence with examples (according to structure and meaning). -- A sentence consists of two or more words and conveys a complete sense. It can be a statement, order or a question.

Simple, compound and complex sentences are the three types of sentences according to the structure

A simple sentence consists of a subject and a predicate but a compound sentence consists of two or more subjects and two or more predicates. While the complex sentence can be adjective, noun or adverb clause.

Here, we see examples of simple, compound, and complex sentences.

Change Simple Sentences into Compound Sentences

Simple SentencesCompound Sentences
It rained for three days. The streets in my neighborhood flooded.It rained for three days, so the streets in my neighborhood flooded.
Tom completed his homework. He put it in his binder.Tom completed his homework and put it in his binder.
Haris mowed the lawn. He earned a hundred dollars.Haris mowed the lawn, so he earned a hundred dollars.
Julie doesn’t like seafood. She doesn’t like cabbage.Julie doesn’t like seafood, nor does she like cabbage.
My pencil was broken. I borrowed one from my friend.My pencil was broken, so I borrowed one from my friend.
Eight people got into the elevator. It was crowded. Three people got off.Eight people got into the elevator, and it was crowded, so three people got off.
Sara gathered the pictures. She could arrange them in a special album for her family.Sara gathered the pictures for she could arrange them in a special album for her family.
Change Simple Sentences into Compound Sentences

Change Simple Sentences into Complex Sentences

Simple SentencesComplex Sentences
I did not go to the meeting. I was sick.I did not go to the meeting because I was sick.
You may be wrong. I cannot say.Though you may be wrong, I cannot say.
He worked hard day and night. He did not wish to fail.He worked hard day and night as he did not wish to fail.
The examination ended. The students went home.The students went home when the examination ended.
Their progress was slow. They were tired.Their progress was slow because they were tired.
You should overlook his fault. It would be an act of generosity on your part.You should overlook his fault as it would be an act of generosity on your part.
We found him in the house. He had formerly lived on that house.We found him in the house as he had formerly lived in that house.
The employee gave an explanation of his misconduct. The explanation was not accepted by his boss.Although the employee gave an explanation of his misconduct, it was not accepted by his boss.
Change Simple Sentences into Complex Sentences


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