воскресенье, 4 декабря 2016 г.

Lesson 15: I Love People-Watching!


Anna and her friends are eating lunch outside on a beautiful day in Washington, DC. They are people-watching. They like seeing the many different people walking by.


In this video, you can learn to say the new words. Learn about the sounds English speakers make to show they are happy. You can also download the Activity Sheet and practice talking about how people look with a friend.​


Anna: Hello! People from all over the world come to Washington, D.C. When I’m at work, I love eating lunch outside. I like to watch people walking by. They all look very different. Today, my friend Ashley is eating lunch with me.
Anna: Ashley, today the weather is beautiful, isn’t it?
Ashley: Yes, it is. Ahh. Ooh, we have to return to work!
Anna: No, we have time! Let’s people-watch a little more.
Ashley: Okay.
Anna: Oh, I know her. She works in my office! Keyana, hi! Come and join us!
Keyana: Hi Anna, how are you?
Anna: I’m doing great! Keyana, this is my friend Ashley.
Keyana: Hi, Ashley!
Anna: We need to return to work. But the weather is beautiful and people-watching is fun!
Keyana: I love people-watching too!
Anna: Well, have a seat! It is fun to see how people are different or the same.
Keyana: It is. For example, Anna, you are tall. But Ashley and I are short.
Anna: And Keyana, you and Ashley have brown eyes; I have blue eyes.
Keyana: You two have light skin and I have dark skin.
Anna: Ashley, you have straight hair. Keyana and I have curly hair.
Ashley: You have very curly hair, Anna.
Keyana: I need to return to work. See you, Anna! Nice to meet you Ashley!
Ashley: Bye, Keyana!
Ashley: Anna, I have to go, too. Are you returning to work?
Anna: I still have time. And this sun feels so good!
Ashley: Um, Anna, what does your boss look like?
Anna: She is short. She has straight, light hair.
Ashley: Does she wear glasses?
Anna: Yes. Yes, she does.
Ashley: Is she wearing a blue sweater today?
Anna: How do you know that?
Ashley: She’s coming this way.
Anna: Oh no! Hide me!
Ashley: Um, bye, Anna. Call me later.
Anna: Bye, Ashley! Talk to you later!
Caty: Anna? Is that you?
Anna: Ms. Weaver! Hi!
Caty: What are you doing behind that bench?
Anna: I am looking for my, my … stick. Here it is.
Anna: I am people-watching. Oh! But it’s time to return to work!
Caty: No need to hurry. I love people-watching too! Let’s sit!
Anna: Sure! Ahh.
Caty: It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?
Anna: Yes. Yes, it is, Ms. Weaver.
Anna: People-watching in D.C. is fun. It makes me forget the time!
Anna: Until next time! Ahh.

New Words

bench - n. a long and usually hard seat for two or more people
blue - adj. having the color of the clear sky
brown - adj. having a color like coffee or chocolate
curly - adj. formed into a round shape
dark - adj. of a person's hair, eyes, skin, etc.: black or brown in color
eyes - n. the part of the body that you see with
forget n. to be unable to think of or remember (something)
glasses - n. a pair of glass or plastic lenses set into a frame and worn over the eyes to help a person see
hair - n. a thin threadlike growth from the skin of a person or animal
hide - v. to put (something) in a place where it cannot be seen or found
join - v. to come together with (something or someone)
light - adj. not dark or deep in color; pale
like - prep. similar to
look like - to have an appearance that is very similar to (someone or something)
people-watch v. to spend time idly observing people in a public place.
seat - n. something (such as a chair) that you sit on : a place for sitting
have a seat - a polite invitation to sit down.
short - adj. having little height; not tall
skin - n. the natural outer layer of tissue that covers the body of a person or animal
stick - n. a cut or broken branch or twig
straight - adj. not having curves, bends, or angles
tall - adj. greater in height than the average person

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