суббота, 19 февраля 2022 г.

Prepositions - 4


About: They have a discussion about football.

Above: A plane is flying above the village.

Abroad: Mary went abroad.

According toAccording to my family, I’m a clever student.

Across: You can swim across the river.

After: I slept after I arrived my house.

Against: This company is up against the bankruptcy.

Ago: She came back school a while ago.

Ahead of: We are ahead of our work schedule.

Along: Are you going along?

Amidst: I think my sister was luck woman. My sister was born and reared amidst plenty.

Among: I want to live in a home among trees.

Amongst: She is a girl amongst women.

ApartApart from the football, he plays basketball and tennis.

Around: He left around 6:40.

AsAs it’s raining again, we’ll not play tennis.

As far asAs far as I’m concerned, we’re bad situation.

As well as: My son plays the piano as well as he plays basketball.

Aside: My family has a little money put aside.

At: She was at home.

Away: Put your laptop away.

Because of: She was late because of missing the train.

Before: C goes before D in Alphabet.

Behind: The shaker is behind the glass.

Below: It is 20 degrees below zero.

Beneath: Alex is sitting beneath the pine tree.

Beside: My brother sat down beside me.

BesidesBesides, it’s still early for me.

Between: My home is between library and bank.

Beyond: Barcelona football club’s success is beyond question.

But: We are very hungry, but the fridge is empty.

By: I always goes to work by train.

By means of: I wake up seven o’clock by means of an alarm clock.

Despite: I love my wife despite her faults.

Down: Calm down my friend!

Due to: Her success was due to her family.

During: I met the intern during lunch.

Except: Nobody came the party except George and Alex.

For: Is the coffee too hot for you?

From: Where are you from?

Hence: We travel hence tomorrow to France.

In: I live in London.

In accordance withIn accordance with the doctor, she is very sick.

In addition toIn addition to his car, he has a jeep.

In case of: The alarm will ring in case of theft.

In front of: The supermarket in front of the bank.

In lieu of: I play football in lieu of studying.

In place of: I stayed home in place of going to school.

In spite ofIn spite of being a millionaire, he lives in a very small flat.

Inside: They are going inside.

Instead of: My sister should study her lessons instead of watching TV.

Into: Go into the her room and take wallet.

Like: She is very clever like me.

Near: I live near the sea.

Next: The two teams play voleyball  the next day.

Next to: My wallet is next to pen.

NotwithstandingNotwithstanding the bad weather, they went for a walk.

Of: This is a car of my family.

Off: I gotta take off.

On: My notebook is on the table.

On account of: For some critics we might be uncool on account of our popularity.

On behalf of: She spoke on behalf of the good plan.

Onto: The cat jumped onto the roof.

Opposite: “Tall” is the opposite of “short”.

Out: Cut it out!

Outside: It seems warm outside.

Over: When is party over?

Owing toOwing to the rain, the soccer match was cancelled.

Past: It is half past seven.

Per: I get paid $3.000 per month.

Prior to: This accident happened prior to my arrival.

Round: They have a round table.

Since: She has been here since 5 O’clock.

Than: He’s older than Mary.

Through: We walked slowly through the road.

ThroughoutThroughout history, people have survived a lot of things.

Till: I didn’t eat meat till I was 18.

Times: Two times two is four.

To: It is twenty to two.

Toward: My friend, turn toward me.

Towards: He is walking towards me.

Under: It is under the table.

Underneath: I found the wallet underneath the table.

UnlikeUnlike my sister, I am tall.

Until: Are you going to study until 7?

Up: Please Stand up!

Upon: The earth I’m walk upon doesn’t recognize me.

Via: Can I pay via Visa?

With: Come with me, please.

Within: She arrived within 10 minutes.

Without: I feel sad without you.

Worth: That was worth the wait.


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