понедельник, 5 июня 2017 г.


A. = Adjective   ADV. = Adverb   IDM. = Idiom   N. = Noun   V. = Verb

a cell phone N. a wireless telephone based on cellular technology
to convergeV. to come together, to become one thing
a deviceN. a small mechanical machine or instrument
to distributeV. to divide among many people or places; to pass out, to hand out
distributionN. the process of distributing among many people or places; the passing out or handing out of something
e-commerceN. buying and selling things on the Internet
high bandwidthN. fast connections (to the Internet)
high-bandwidthA. related to fast connections (to the Internet)
a modemN. a device which transfers information from your computer to a telephone or cable line
a networkN. an interconnected set of computers
portableA. can be carried or moved
wireless communicationsN. forms of electronic communication which do not use wires (such as cellular technology)

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