четверг, 6 апреля 2017 г.

A different kettle of fish


There's a funny smell in the studio – what can it be? Rob has brought in something to illustrate today's authentic English phrase - which Feifei puts to good use when she insults Rob's cooking!


Feifei Hello, I'm Feifei and it's time again for The English We Speak and with me today is Rob…
Rob Hello everyone!
Feifei Rob, what is that awful smell of fish?
Rob Ah, you mean these smoked kippers?
Feifei Smoked kippers? Why have you got smoked kippers in the studio?
Rob To illustrate today's phrase. And this long pan is a kettle. It's not the thing you boil water in.
Feifei Oh right. So what is the fish-related phrase then?
Rob The phrase is a different kettle of fish – we say it to mean a situation or subject that is being discussed is completely different from the one you are talking about.
Feifei A strange phrase indeed. So we could say writing English is a very different kettle of fish from speaking it?
Rob Yes, we can – it means it's a different thing - let's hear some more examples…
Examples I loved the first film but the sequel was a different kettle of fish.
Heating a ready meal in the microwave is one thing but preparing a freshly cooked meal is a different kettle of fish.
Camping on the beach would be amazing but camping in the rain would be a different kettle of fish!
Feifei So, when something is a different kettle of fish it means to be completely different from something or someone else that has been talked about. I've got it Rob!
Rob Good. You can also say to be another kettle of fish. So then Feifei, how about coming round to my house and eating some of this fish?
Feifei Rob, going to your house is one thing but trying your cooking is a different kettle of fish!
Rob Don't you like fish?
Feifei Fish is ok – it's your cooking that isn't.
Rob I shall eat alone then! Come on fishy-wishys...
Feifei Bye.

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