суббота, 11 июля 2015 г.

Полезные вводные фразы для сочинений

Выражение мнения:

I agree / disagree...
In my opinion, ... / From my point of view, ... / As far as I am concerned, ...
I believe that ... / It seems to me that ...
I am in favour of ... / I am against the idea of ...
According to ...
Some people say that ...
It is said / believed that ...
There is no doubt that ...
It cannot be denied that ...
It goes without saying that ....
We must admit that ...

Представление аргументов:

The main argument in favour / against is ...
First of all, I should like to consider ...
The first thing (I would like to consider) to be considered is...
To begin with ... / To start with ...
Apart from that ...
Despite the fact that ... / In spite of the fact that ...
On the one hand ... / On the other hand, ...
Besides, ... / In addition, ...
What is more, ... / Moreover, ... / More than that, ...
What matters most in this case is ...
Finally, ...
However, ... / ..., though
... although ... / ... even though ...
Nevertheless, ...

Выражение причинно-следственной связи:

for this reason
therefore / that is why
sth happened
because of
as a result of
owing to / due to
as a consequence of


for example
for instance
such as


To sum up, ....
To conclude, ...
On this basis, I can conclude that ...
In conclusion, I would like to stress that ...
All in all, I believe that ...

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