Модальные глаголы в английском языке (Modal Verbs)


Глаголы can (could), may (might), must, ought, need относятся к группе так называемых модальных глаголов (Modal Verbs). Модальные глаголы не употребляются самостоятельно, а только в сочетании с инфинитивом смыслового глагола. Они обозначают возможность, способность, вероятность, необходимость совершения действия, выраженного смысловым глаголом. Модальные глаголы в сочетании с инфинитивом смыслового глагола употребляются в предложении в роли составного глагольного сказуемого: Не can do it himselfОн может это сделать сам. They may come tonightОни, может быть, придут сегодня вечером.

Модальные глаголы не выражают конкретных процессов (действий), а показывают лишь отношение говорящего к действию, оценку действия, т. е. возможность, необходимость, предположительность, долженствование, разрешение и т. д. Модальные глаголы являются недостаточными глаголами (Defective Verbs), так как они не имеют всех форм, какие есть у других глаголов. Глаголы сап и may имеют формы настоящего и прошедшего времени: can  could, may  might, глаголы must, ought и need  только форму настоящего времени.

Модальные глаголы имеют ряд формальных отличительных особенностей.




Не имеют окончания s в 3-м лице единственого числа настоящего времени. He can do it. He may take it. He must go there. He ought to help him. Need he do it?


Не имеют неличных форм (инфинитива, герундия и причастия)


Не употребляются как отдельный член предложения -  простое глагольное сказуемое, но только в сочетании с еще одним, не модальным, глаголом в форме инфинитива без частицы to (кроме ought и иногда need), образуя составное глагольное сказуемое. I must go there. Я должен пойти туда. You needn't do it. Вам не нужно делать этого. Но: You ought to help him. Вам следовало бы помочь ему.


Вопросительная и отрицательная формы модальных глаголов образуются без вспомогательного глагола: в вопросительных предложениях модальный глагол ставится перед подлежащим, в отрицательных  после него ставится отрицание not. Can you do it? May I take it? Must he go there? Ought he to help him? Need he do it?  He ought not to help him. He need not do it.


Не имеют формы прошедшего времени (кроме can  could, may  might) и аналитических форм (будущего времени, продолженного вида, перфектных форм и форм страдательного залога). В случае необходимости вместо отсутствующих форм используются эквиваленты модальных глаголов

Сочетание модального глагола с неперфектным инфинитивом относит действие к настоящему или будущему времени либо свидетельствует о его одновременности с моментом речи, и, напротив, сочетание с перфектным инфинитивом либо относит действие к прошлому, либо выражает предшествование действия относительно момента речи: I could do it. Я мог бы сделать это (в настоящем или будущем). I could have done it. Я мог бы сделать это (но уже не сделал).

Отрицательная форма образуется при помощи частицы not, которая ставится непосредственно после модального глагола, в результате чего значение меняется на противоположное: must должен - must not не должен. В настоящем времени can пишется слитно с not: He cannot do it. You may not take it. He must not go there. В разговорной речи в отрицательной форме обычно употребляются следующие сокращения: cannot  = can't [ka:nt], could not = couldn't [kudnt], may not = mayn't [meint], might not = mightn't [maitnt], must not = mustn't [masnt], ought not = oughtn't [o:tnt], need not = needn’t [ni:dnt].

В вопросительных предложениях модальный глагол стоит на первом месте либо сразу после вспомогательного слова: Who can do it? Кто может сделать это?

Основные значения модальных глаголов - необходимость (долженствование), возможность и предположение. Некоторые глаголы имеют формы прошедшего времени: can - could, may - might (иногда называют и will - would, shall - should), тем не менее все эти формы могут иметь самостоятельные, присущие только им оттенки значения.

Вместо недостающих неличных и аналитических форм модальных глаголов используют их эквиваленты: to have, to be (=must), to be able (=can), to be allowed, to be permitted (=may).








Неизбежность совершения действия, обусловленная объективными причинами

He must understand it. Он должен понять это.

Вынужденность совершения действия, обусловленная объективными причинами

You must not ask too much of it.

Вы не должны спрашивать про это слишком много.

Необходимость, обусловленная субъективным мнением говорящего

must be off as soon as I can. Я должен уйти, как только смогу.



Необходимость совершения действия, вызванная субъективным мнением говорящего

You shouldn't have come here. Тебе не следовало приходить сюда.

Необходимость совершения действия, вызванная объективными причинами

Insulators should be kept very clean. Изоляторы должны храниться в чистоте.



Необходимость совершения действия, вызванная субъективным мнением говорящего

ought to do all I can to comfort her. Я должен сделать все, что могу, чтобы успокоить ее.

Целесообразность действия, обусловленная субъективным мнением говорящего

Perhaps I ought to have a talk to him about it first. Наверное, мне следует сначала поговорить с ним об этом.



Необходимость совершения действия, обусловленная субъективным мнением говорящего

Henry shall go home. Генри должен пойти домой.

Вопросительное предложение с shall содержит вопрос говорящего о мнении собеседника по поводу совершения действия

Shall I open the door? Мне открыть дверь?



Передает оттенок нужности, надобности действия

We needn't talk to each other unless we feel like it. Нам не нужно говорить друг с другом, если только мы не захотим этого.



Вынужденность действия

didn't have to make any decisions. Мне не пришлось принимать решения.

Надобность действия

have to know it. Мне надо это знать.



Неизбежность совершения действия

The novel, which is to be his last one has found a new sense. Роман, которому суждено было стать его последним романом, нашел новый смысл.

Необходимость совершения действия согласно предварительной договоренности

He was to come yesterday. Он должен был прийти вчера.

Необходимость совершения действия, вызванная объективными причинами

The wire may also be made of any metal though soft metals are to be avoided. Провод также может быть сделан из любого металла, хотя мягкие металлы не следует использовать.








Возможность совершения действия в силу наличия условий для его совершения в настоящем и будущем

can stay with them.

Я могу остаться с ними.

Возможность совершения действия, основанная на позволении, разрешении

Can I see the producer? Могу я увидеть продюсера?

Глагол can может также передавать немодальное значение  способности, физической возможности совершить действие

He can speak English.

Он умеет говорить по-английски.

Вместо глагола can после глаголов seem казатьсяappear оказатьсяused to бывало в качестве формы инфинитива, а также для образования будущего времени употребляется сочетание to be able

Do you think youll be able to come three days a week? Ты думаешь, что сможешь приходить три дня в неделю?

Вместо could в прошедшем времени может употребляться сочетание to be able в прошедшем времени - was/were able.

На русский язык was/were able переводится глаголом совершенного вида: смог, смогла, смогли

was able to write this test correctly. Я смог правильно написать этот тест.



Возможность совершения действия, которое может осуществиться, но может и не осуществиться

It may make that man furious. Это может взбесить этого человека.

Возможность совершения действия, обусловленная разрешением, позволением.

В этом значении вместо глагола may (might) могут использоваться эквиваленты  to be allowed, to be permitted

You may give me one kiss. Можете поцеловать меня разок.

Youll be allowed to go out. Вам позволят выйти.








Предположение, основанное на фактах, знаниях, почти граничащее с уверенностью

He must be at home. Он, вероятно, дома.



Предположение, основанное на фактах

They should all be of equal mass. Вероятно, все они имеют одинаковую массу.



Предположение, основанное на фактах

It ought not to be very hard to find that man. Вероятно, найти этого человека будет не очень сложно.




Предположение, основанное на субъективном мнении говорящего

Youll have heard of him? Вы, наверно, слыхали о нем?




Употребляется главным образом в отрицательных предложениях, выражая, таким образом, предположение о невероятности совершения действия

You can't really love me, or you wouldnt hesitate. Ты, на самом деле, не любишь меня, иначе ты бы не колебался.



Предположение о возможности действия, которое может произойти, но может и не произойти

may have said it. Я мог сказать это (но не сказал).



Предположение, в верности которого говорящий не уверен

She might have been thirty-five. Ей тогда было лет тридцать пять.

Предположение, не соответствующее действительности

Michael laughed and shouted and sang. He might have been fifteen. Майкл смеялся и кричал, и пел. В тот момент ему было лет пятнадцать.



Употребляется в отрицательных предложениях в значении предположения о необязательности действия

It needn't take you very long. Вряд ли это займет у вас много времени.


среда, 20 июля 2022 г.

Top 10 Longest Words In The English Language


Ironically, some of the longest words in the English language have the simplest meanings. For example, according to the Oxford dictionary, the longest non-technical word in the English language is “Floxinoxinihilipilification ”It means something useless or worthless.

The English language is a storehouse of some of the longest words in the world. A few of the words that qualify the title take several hours to pronounce and are several pages in length. Yes, we are not kidding.

In case you are intrigued, this post will definitely amaze you beyond bounds.

Here’s A List Of The Top 10 Longest Words In English

If you want to take Scrabble to the next level in tomorrow’s recess hours, going through this list can help you to score some outstanding points, given that you can come up with a trick to remember the spellings of course.


Definition: Extreme fear of lengthy words

Let us start with this very long noun. Ironically, the term was coined to describe the fear of long words. It is used to express humorous contexts in a formal manner.

  • Antidisestablishmentarianism

Definition: Opposition against the establishment of the Church of England

This word is a noun that originated during the 19th century in Britain. Today, it is used to refer to any government who withdraws support from a religious organisation.

  • Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis

Definition: A lung disease caused by the inhalation of fine particles of dust

This word is a noun that was coined during the late 1930s by Everett K. Smith, the President of the National Puzzlers’ League. Though the word has survived through time, it is not used in real medical practices.

  • Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism

Definition: An inherited disorder of an individual who has a phenotypic appearance of pseudohypoparathyroidism type 1

It is a genetic disorder that affects the formation of bone structure. It causes short stature, round face and short hand bones in an individual.

  • Aequeosalinocalcalinoceraceoaluminosocupreovitriolic

Definition: Spa water in the City of Bath in England

This word is a noun, coined by an eighteenth-century physicist Dr Edward Strother.  It was formed by stringing together a series of Latin words that describe the chemical composition of the spa waters of the Bath.

  • Otorhinolaryngological

Definition: Branch of medical science dealing with the treatment of head, ear, throat, neck and nose disorders

Most patients suffering from cancer and benign tumours in neck and head seek treatment from this type of disease.

  • Hepaticocholangiocholecystenterostomies

Definition: Creation of a link between the hepatic duct and the gall bladder, and gall bladder and intestine

This is the longest word found in The Gould’s Medical Dictionary. It describes the  link between the three organs namely hepatic duct, gall bladder and intestine that allows these organs to communicate.

  • Osseocaynisanguineoviscericartilagininervomedullary

Definition: A Scientific Term Related To Anatomy

Thomas Love Peacock used this term for the first time in his novel Headlong Hall in 1816. It is a combination of classic Greek and Latin terms, which describes parts of a human body.

  • Honorificabilitudinitatibus

Definition: A state in which a person is able to achieve honours

Shakespeare used the word for the first time in his famous comedy Love’s Labour’s Lost. This word has a unique characteristic. It is the longest word in the English language that has alternating consonants and vowels.

  1. Spectrophotofluorometrically

Definition: An instrument that measures the amount of light dispersed from a colour band while tracing tiny components of blood or body tissue.

Mainly used in medical studies, this word means measuring the level of lights in a spectrum.

What Is The Longest Word In The English Language? 

We can only give you a glimpse of the longest English word in the world but writing the word down is beyond the scope of this blog. The very word spans over fifty-seven pages and consists of 189819 letters. Surprised!  The word actually exists. It signifies a giant protein “Titin” which is responsible for the passive elasticity of muscles.

Here Is A Glimpse Of The First Part Of The Word:


Though there are disputes over whether it is the longest word. The longest word in the major dictionary is Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.

Are you eager to know how the word sounds? If you are bold enough to spend the time, go and find it on YouTube where an extremely helpful person has taken all the troubles to pronounce it for you. However, be ready with some popcorns and snacks before you get started, as it will take you more than three hours to watch it! Yes, we are serious. It is just a little shorter the film Gone with the Wind!

Some Fun Facts About The Early Use Of The Longest Words In English:

  • Did you know an ancient Greek comedic playwright had coined a 171 letters word that signified a fictional dish? It described the ingredients that were used to prepare the dish and was sung during the enactment of the play.


  • The famous writer James Joyce also made up new words for his novel Finnegans Wake. He coined nine 100-letter words and another word of 101-letters, one of which appears on the very first page of the novel. The word is


It represents the symbolic lightning and thunderclap that is associated with the fall of Adam and Eve.

Sylvia Plath,in her semi-autobiographical novel The Bell Jar mentions this word once in reference to a time when she had been reading Finnegans Wake.

  • A song in Mary Poppins has a 34-letter title and has been attributed to the meaning “A word you speak when you have nothing else to say.” The word is “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.”

Longest English Words That Have Set A Record For Their Unique Characteristics:

  1. Incomprehensibilities: During the 1990s, this word had set a record for the longest word “in common usage.”
  2. Strengths: This word earned a Guinness world record for being the only nine lettered word where all the letters are consonants except one. It is one of the longest monosyllabic words in the English language.
  3. Euouae: This word holds two Guinness records for being the longest word in English, exclusively made up of vowels. Are you wondering what its meaning could be? It is a musical term of medieval times.

Due to space constraints, most of these long words have been excluded from the dictionary.  However, the advent of the World Wide Web has eased our problems. The constraints of the dictionary don’t stand as a hindrance in the path of adding new information to our knowledge pool anymore. Do you want to learn more about the intricacies of the English language? Our experts are just a call away to guide you with remarkable study materials.


суббота, 2 июля 2022 г.

Everything You Need To Know About English Language Features


Ever wondered about the secret of achieving high grades in your English language paper? The proper usage of language features is the untold secret. Wondering what language features are? Every word that adds meaning to your sentence and enhances the quality of your writing is a language feature. Renowned writers make the most of language features to convey their message through the writing. From sentence structure to noun, vocabulary, punctuation and even adjective are language features.

Now, most of the problem is with the usage of English. The language features definition varies according to the type of your text and the meaning it wants to convey. So, many students are unaware of when to use a language feature so that the writing is enhanced. The choices can change, depending on the purpose of the text, subject matter and your target audience.

To draft an impeccable and impressive essay, it is important for every student to understand the correct way and time of using the language features. So, here’s a list of language features that can improve your writing quality to a great extent.

The List Of Language Features:

  • Allegory
  • Alliteration
  • Allusion
  • Analogy
  • Anaphora
  • Antithesis
  • Assonance
  • Emotive language
  • Dramatic irony
  • Euphemism
  • Homonym
  • Imagery
  • Hyperbole
  • Mood and tone
  • Litotes
  • Metaphor
  • Oxymoron
  • Pathos
  • Satire
  • Zeugma
  • Pun
  • Symbolism

There are several other English language features that you might find out on the Internet. But, this language features list has the most common ones that will help you while writing your English language paper. Amongst these, the most complex language feature examples include allegory, metaphors, analogy and alliteration. So, let’s discuss the four complicated language features that students usually find hard to understand.

Next time, when you’ll be asked to write an English assignment help, keep the above-mentioned language features in mind because it will help you convey the message of your assignment in a better way.

  • Allegory: What is it?

It is a poem, picture or story that has a hidden meaning, usually related to moral value or political insights. You can use it to convey a symbolic message about the real world. When you use a fictional story to highlight a specific moral or political message, allegory helps you to enhance the way you would want your readers to perceive the message. In fact, when the story has a fixed meaning, you can use allegory to develop different layers of the meaning.

An Example of Allegory

If you have read ‘The Animal Farm’ written by George Orwell, then you’ll know that the story was about the Bolshevik Revolution in the Soviet Union. But, when you read it for the first time, it seems to be about a group of animals rebelling against the farmers. However, the leader pig misuses his power and manipulates the animals to escalate the revolution. This situation is similar to the way Joseph Stalin led the Soviet Union in real life.

George Orwell uses allegory as a weapon to fuse the political and artistic purpose into the story and clarify the situation of the Russian Revolution in 1917.

  • Alliteration: Definition and Usage

Consider this sentence:

Larry’s leopard likes leaping lizards.

What is unique about this line? Well, all the words start with the same alphabet and this is what alliteration is about. It is quite fun to hear and is used to capture the reader’s attention to certain words, thereby adding more emphasis. Amongst all the other language features, this one is the most interesting one.

This figure of speech does not necessarily mean that the same sound will appear at the beginning of all the words. It can also appear in only two or more words. Its importance lies in the fact that all sounds create rhythm and mood, and can also have connotations. Your assignment quality gets a notch higher when you use alliterative sounds.

Some Examples Of Alliterative Sounds Are As Follows:

‘Pied Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.’

Heavenly Hillsboro, the buckle on the Bible belt.

The second example has a repetitive ‘h’ and ‘b’ sounds. The ‘h’ sound imparts a soothing effect while the ‘b’ sound imparts a persuasive and sharp effect. So, you can use alliteration if you want your reader to focus on certain words.

  • Analogy: When and Why To Use It?

An analogy would be your best option as a language feature to use in a persuasive essay. Persuasion is about helping your readers understand what you’re communicating through the write-up. Your reader will understand your point only if you have a sound argument and well-targeted facts and theories explained and an unavoidable conclusion. When it comes to persuasive essays, analogies are hard to beat.

An analogy is also a comparison to explain an idea in a better way. Some students tend to confuse analogy with metaphors and simile. No, they are just the tools that are used to draw an analogy. When you need to compare two things that are quite different from each other, the analogy can help you do so.

An Example of Analogy

Have a look at this sentence:

‘Just as the caterpillar comes out of its cocoon, so we must come out of our comfort zone.’

In this sentence, the analogy has been used to compare or rather link the transition of a butterfly from a caterpillar with the behavioural changes of humankind. This example states that the caterpillar slowly changes itself inside the cocoon and flies away after it becomes a butterfly. Similarly, change is also required in humans when they want to come out of their comfort zone.

  • Metaphor: The Definition and Examples

A metaphor is when you write similar things without using the words ‘like’ or ‘as’. Apart from this simple definition, metaphor can be explained as the feature of the language that you can use to attract your reader’s attention. You want your writing to stand out of the rest, right? The metaphor will help you do so if you use it logically. You can inspire your readers to change their beliefs or to take action using these metaphors. It makes your writing more personal, memorable and persuasive. As mentioned earlier, it is not similar to the analogy. It is a tool used to apply analogy.

Metaphors can do wonders with the writing. For instance, they can connect dry stuff to fascinating topics and abstract topics to the concrete ones. It compares two things to explain a point and entertain the readers.

An Example of Metaphor:

“Walt becomes a real pig when he starts eating.”

Who would have thought that someone named Walt can have a connection with a pig? But, the metaphor compares Walt to the pig without using words like ‘as’ or ‘similar to’. It is also understandable that Walt is not literally a pig. He just looks like a pig when he eats food, probably because he spills food everywhere and has poor table manners.

Other Examples Of Language Features And Their Effects

Let’s check out other language forms and features along with their effects in writing. The following language features are quite common and you may use them without knowing the definition or the right way to use it.

  • Mood and Tone

The difference between mood and tone has always been a matter of confusion among students. The mood is the literary element that is responsible for evoking emotions or feelings in the reader’s mind through descriptions and words. The tone is the attitude with which the writer would be writing the story.

Sometimes, you might find the tone of a fictional story to be sassy or bossy. A serious story can have a humorous tone, or a funny story can have a sarcastic tone. It is achieved by choice of words, sentence construction and proper word order.

Mood is what the reader feels while reading the story or essay. It is the vibe of your story and not all readers would have the same mood while reading your essay. Mood can be dark, rushed, light-hearted or heavy. It sets the theme of your essay and makes your write-up easily understandable by the readers.

  • Pun

How many times did you see a sentence followed by the term ‘pun intended’? A pun is the humorous use of a word to convey different meanings other than the original. You can use puns if you want to convey something witty or funny. It probably won’t make you laugh, but it can definitely make you smile.

Some Examples Of Pun Are As Follows:

‘Did you hear about the kid who thought he was a giraffe? It was a tall story’. In this example, the phrase ‘tall story’ is linked to ‘giraffe’ to convey that the initial question was a lie and it was merely meant to crack a joke. Similarly, when Hannibal Lecter says ‘I am going to have some friends for dinner’ in the last scene of ‘The Silence Of The Lambs’, he meant he was going to eat them up for dinner because he played the character of a cannibal in the movie.

The list of language features of a narrative essay can go on endlessly. Use these features with care and make sure the techniques enhance the quality of your writing and do not make it seem abrupt.
